
  • Selects and supervises Directors; is ultimately responsible for the Chapter activities.

  • Establishes and implements Chapter goals and objectives.

  • Establishes and maintains the Chapter financial budget.

  • Administers Chapter operations by planning and implementing events.

Executive Vice President

  • Assists the President in the performance of duties.

  • Oversees all directors under his/her command.

  • Seeks to promote the welfare of the Chapter.

  • Is first in line of succession to the President.

Vice President of Careers

  • Contacts and maintains connections with professional contacts to set up visitations and technical topic events.

  • Organizes Professional Development activities.

  • Supervises the Careers, and Resume Directors.

  • Ensures decent attendance at PD events.

  • Ensures the integrity of PD sign in sheets.

  • Is third in line of succession of the President.

Vice President of Activities

  • Initiates Social Activities.

  • Contacts accounting professional firms and invite them to participate in and/or sponsor events.

  • Plans and executes inter-chapter events.

  • Supervises the Activities, Recruiting, and Alumni Directors.

  • Ensures decent attendance at SA events.

  • Ensures the integrity of SA sign in sheets.

  • Is fourth in line of succession of the President.

National Reporting Secretary

  • Becomes the chapter expert on BAP National requirements for our chapter.

  • Ensures that the chapter conforms to national bylaws and constitutions.

  • Prepares and submits reports to the national office on a timely basis.

  • Updates President on Superior/Gold Chapter status requirements.

Chapter Secretary

  • Records minutes at all Chapter and Officer Meetings.

  • Initiates and organizes Community Service events.

  • Contacts community service organizations to schedule participation.

  • Ensures decent attendance at CS events.

  • Ensures the integrity of CS sign-in sheets.


  • Prepares the budget for approval by the Officers.

  • Keeps accurate records of all financial transactions occurring during the semester.

  • Ensures that chapter financial records are reconciled with bank records on a monthly basis.

  • Generates monthly and interim financial statements as required.

Administrative Director

  • Assists the President in the performance of duties.

  • Upon the President's request, assists other Officers of the Chapter in the performance of duties.

Bylaws Director

  • Reviews and familiarizes self with the bylaws and constitution of our chapter.

  • Updates the bylaws and constitution for any changes enacted during the current semester.

  • Publicizes semester elections.

Internal Controller

  • Convenes the Semester Audit Committee.

  • Audits our chapter's financial information.

Social Media Director

  • Updates the website when necessary.

  • Oversees the BAP social media platforms.

  • Aggregates photographs from BAP events

Alumni Director  

  • Maintains and updates alumni listing.

  • Maintains and updates BAP's LinkedIn account.

  • Contacts alumni for various events and chapter meetings.

  • Recruits alumni.

Newsletter Director

  • Put together and send out newsletters.

  • Create and distribute flyers.

 Careers Director

  • Assists in the organization of Professional Development events.

  • Presides over and moderates PD events in the absence of the VP.

  • Confirms attendance of members by sending them reminders.

  • Promotes new PD events.

Activities Director

  • Assists in the organization of Social Activity events.

  • Presides over and moderates SA events in the absence of the VP of Activities.

  • Confirms attendance of Members by sending them reminders.

Recruiting Director

  • Assists in the preparation of recruitment activities.

  • Serves as a central Q&A resource for Pledges.

  • Coordinates and executes Pledge Orientation and BAP 101 events.

Membership/Hospitality Director

  • Reviews the applications and transcripts of the Chapter's Pledges to determine membership eligibility.

  • Contacts applicants in regards to membership eligibility.

  • Updates membership lists.

  • Prepares name tags for Chapter Meetings and other large events.

  • Orders food for Chapter Meetings.

Points Director

  • Records points received from Directors and Officers.

Tutorial Center Director

  • Posts events for Tutorial Center points.

  • Coordinates tutoring efforts.

  • Ensures the integrity of TC sign in sheets

Community Service Director

  • Assists in the organization of Community Service events.

  • Presides over and moderates CS events in the absence of the Chapter Secretary.

Scholarship Director

  • Coordinates BAP Scholarships with Advisors.

  • Solicits donations from firms for the scholarship fund.

  • Prepares and posts the scholarship applications.

  • Works on the Scholarship Committee.

  • Announces outside scholarship opportunities.

Assistant Treasurer

  • Assists the Treasurer in his/her performance of duties.

Fundraising Director

  • Initiates and organizes fundraising events.

  • Contacts potential fundraising partners.

  • Ensures decent attendance at FR events.

  • Ensures the integrity of FR sign in sheets.

  • Organizes the end-of-semester raffle and silent auction.