Frequently Asked Questions

Please direct all questions not found on the following page to

Q: When are applications due?!
A: Check event calendar! (It varies semester to semester, but typically the day before Chapter Meeting 1)

Q: Where do I turn in my transcripts, course schedule, and check?
A: Please include all three in a SEALED envelope and submit the envelope to BT (Business Tower) 850 with your name and student ID on the front.

Q: What are the requirements to become a member?
A: In order to be a successful Candidate, and thus initiated as a Member, you must have at least two semesters left until graduation, meet all eligibility requirements and meet all point requirements.

Q: Where are my points and how do I know whether or not the points have been updated?
A: If you signed in at the event, you will be receiving points. Event points may be updated out of order. Under the "Points" tab, click on "Points Tracker." All the information you need is there.

Q: How do I earn AS points?
A: You can earn AS points by assisting an Officer at any BAP event. For example, we always need help cleaning up after a Chapter Meeting. If you help, please make sure you write your name down on the AS points sheet, usually emailed a few days before the event.

Q: I need points, but all the events are either full or conflict with my schedule. What can I do?
A: E-mail the appropriate Officer and let them know your situation. If the Officer states that no more events will be scheduled, you may obtain points by going to qualified, non-BAP events. Please e-mail the Officer the event information so that he/she can let you know if it’s a qualifying event. If the event qualifies, download, print, fill out, and turn in (scan the form and email it to the appropriate Officer) the form below:

Q: What are the benefits of achieving "Gold" status?

    • Gold Members save $20 on application dues.

    • Gold Members will receive 15% off of BAP Stoles for every semester achieved.

    • Gold Members will have early admission to Meet the Firms or any recruiting events.

Q: I want to become a Director. What do I do?
A: After elections, inform the Officer that you desire to work under of your interest.

Q: After Chapter Meetings, can I keep my name tag?
A: No. Please return your name tag so we can have it for you at the next Chapter Meeting. You will not get your CM points if you take your name tag home.

Q: What rules govern the organization?
A: Our Chapter operates with adherence to established bylaws
downloadable here.