Student Testimonials

Nick Rodriguez, BAP President ‘23, Gary J. Sbona Honors Student, BSBA: Accounting ‘24

“Joining BAP was one of the best decisions I made at SJSU. Through BAP, I was able to build my network, take on leadership roles, enhance my professional skills, earn club-exclusive scholarships, and ultimately secure internship opportunities with top accounting firms. BAP gave me a community where I could surround myself with like-minded classmates, faculty, and professionals and the support to prepare for my career.

My experience in BAP has been truly life-changing. I am grateful for my experiences in the club and for the lifelong connections I have made. If you are looking to enrich your professional skills, build lasting relationships, and set a strong foundation for your career, I highly recommend joining BAP at SJSU.”

Nick was recruited by EY - Audit

Matt Brown, Bylaws Director S‘23, Careers Director F’23, BSBA: Accounting F‘24

“I was initially worried that I wouldn’t have enough time for the commitment BAP required. While working, taking a full school schedule, and having a family, I didn’t think I could also find time for a business organization. After speaking with members and attending the BAP 101 information session, I discovered that the commitment is less than I feared, and that BAP will also work with members to ensure we reach our goals.

Deciding to join BAP was one of the best decisions I’ve made. They give students the resources needed to create a strong impression on recruiters. BAP provides access to some of the biggest accounting firms in the country and opportunities to build your professional network to match the ever-changing professional landscape.”

Matt was recruited by KPMG - Tax

Lyna Luu, BAP Member ‘24, John Malcolm Aitken Scholarship Recipient, Accounting S‘25

“As someone just starting out in Accounting, I couldn't have found a better place than Beta Alpha Psi (BAP). The members are incredibly friendly and helpful, making it easy to feel welcomed and supported from the very beginning. I love expanding my network with such a supportive group, and the connections I've made are invaluable.

BAP also hosts numerous professional development events where we gain valuable insights from professionals in various service lines. These events expose us to real-world experiences and advice that are important for our future careers.

BAP truly motivates me to improve myself both personally and professionally. I became more engaged in my Accounting classes and helped others with the course materials. Whether you’re just starting out or already have experience in Accounting, BAP provides the resources you need for your future career.”

Lyna was recruited by Frank Rimerman & Co., LLP - Rotational Accounting Intern (Tax, Audit, Family Office)